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What did we learn from the community?

We looked to the community to learn how transit can benefit them.

  • We held four online round table discussions with affordable housing partners, employers, people living with disabilities and older adults to discuss barriers to transit and community needs, transit needs and barriers.
  • In direct conversations with more than 300 people.
  • In an online open house and survey which generated more than 500 responses.


Community members told us:

  • Transit service isn’t always convenient. It may not be close enough to residences or destinations.
  • They feel unsafe waiting for and riding transit.
  • Some bus shelters are poorly lit, unsanitary or damaged.
  • Some stops are not ADA accessible. A lack of sidewalks and safe crossings make it challenging to access transit.
  • Transit service is needed earlier in the morning and later in the evening.
  • Transit often takes longer than driving.


  • Project Kickoff

    Summer 2022

    Launched project identifying concurrent project efforts, key outcomes and engagement milestones

  • Best Practices

    Fall 2022

    Documented best practices for transit planning

  • Goals and Vision

    Early Winter 2022

    Presented draft goals and evaluation approach to the Technical Working Group and Stakeholder Workshop for feedback

  • Needs Identification

    Late Winter 2023

    Documented market analysis findings, community input and key transit needs

  • Draft Recommendations

    Spring 2023

    Drafted initial recommendations for inclusion in the evaluation process

  • Evaluation

    Summer 2023

    Evaluated transit service and capital projects. Drafted key recommendations

  • Draft Vision

    Fall 2023

    Draft key recommendations to enhance transit in Washington County

  • Final Vision

    January 2024

    Solicit comments from the public and finalize the Transit Vision